Friday, February 2


In my first few weeks at University after every lecture I would come back to my room and type up the lecture notes onto my computer. Somehow shortly after this period the apathy, directly attributed to not being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, of the constant typing and filing set in. It was at about this time that 'The Pile' began it's existence. Over the past few months this 'set of notes' has grown steadily, almost covertly, to become quite a nagging worry in the back of my mind.

On Monday a friend and I went into town where I bought several binders, dividers and plastic wallets with the intent of tackling 'The Pile' - subdividing it into so many sections that it would be crushed and thoroughly unable to ever rise again to the size and power it had once achieved. My friend pointed out that spending money on the equipment does not mean I am going to use any of it for it's intended purpose.

It is now Friday, and every shred of paper that I have amassed is hidden in the ominous row of folders on my shelf that imply I am actually working. However, that was only the first phase of organisation. The second is to take every lecture, making revision notes, case lists and summaries from each. Having now started this process I am quite relieved that none of what I am re-reading feels 'new'.

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