Monday, February 12


For almost a week now I've been looking into the choice of careers that lay ahead of me. It's not a definite decision, but I was leaning more towards the idea of becoming a Barrister. I found this blog PupilBlog - A blog written by someone who began their pupillage around the same time I started my LLB. The more I read the more I can see myself fitting in and doing that particular job. However, it would appear that competition is fierce and places few and far between with no guarantee of success even after pupillage.
However, even with no clear idea of what it is that I am aiming for I still know that what I must be doing right now is studying. Which is why, at ten to eight on a Monday evening, when most of my friends are on their way out into the town I am sitting in my room making notes on Non-Identical Mistake. It's not that my social life has begun to fall apart - for instance, in the last 48 hours I have been thoroughly beaten at Snooker and a seemingly endless 2 hour session of Squash by my friends - it's more that I seem to be able to work better in the evenings.
Still it's only two months solid study before the exams.... and then I have the next 4 or 5 years of study and an entire career of continual learning ahead of me...

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